Can I file for a FORM 12.947(a)


Can I file for a FORM 12.947(a), MOTION FOR TEMPORARY SUPPORT, TIME-SHARING, AND OTHER RELIEF WITH DEPENDENT OR MINOR CHILD(REN) Questions: I have reopened my divorce and served the father. He has answered with a motion to dismiss stating that I did not state how visitation will benefit the child and that there has not [...]

Can I file for a FORM 12.947(a)2022-12-13T00:35:01-05:00

Father violating orders


Father violating orders Question: I filed an emergency hearing because my daughter told me her father left his older teenage son babysitting our daughter so he can work and the boy can not be unattended with her per court orders. The hearing got denied I'm assuming because she isn't in danger. So I'm waiting on [...]

Father violating orders2022-12-13T02:51:24-05:00

Can I make it legal to force a father to communicate with a mother?


Can I make it legal to force a father to communicate with a mother? Question: The father of my child does not communicate well. He refuses to tell me anything that is happening with my child whenever he is doing things. Even though I repeatedly tell him to keep me in the loop. He never [...]

Can I make it legal to force a father to communicate with a mother?2022-12-13T02:05:30-05:00
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