Mack Law BlogWe are getting PCS to Korea but I have kids from a past relationship what do I need to have signed stating they can come with?


My husband and I are being sent to Korea by the Army and they are asking us to get my ex husband to write a letter stating its okay and what not. What exactly needs to be in this letter for the Army to accept it. My kid’s father is aware we are leaving for Korea and is on board with the kids leaving with me as well. I just need to know what needs to be on it or an example letter per say.


You should review your parenting plan to see what it says about international travel and potential PCS’s. Since you were in the military, the attorneys handling your divorce should have inserted some language to handle this situation. If that’s the case, you can give the army a certified copy of the court order and parenting plan and that should be sufficient. If your parenting plan is silent, you might want to get an attorney involved to write up a proper legal document just in case.